Many of you will be aware that the British Medical Journal announced yesterday (18.03.2019) that they will stop advertising breastmilk substitute products in the BMJ and across their sister journals.

This has been a huge team effort – along with the pieces published by the BMJ last year by Dr Chris van Tulleken and Dr Natalie Shenker, HMF cofounder, the personal stories shared on the HMF petition (over 2600 signatures) made real impact in driving this decision.
And the news gets better.
The leadership of the BMJ is committed to using this as a starting point to actively campaign for other protections around infant feeding that will improve the health of babies, mothers, our healthcare systems and our societies.
Let’s make this the turning point.
Help us to drive the creation of education programmes for healthcare professionals and the public.
Help us to scale up milk bank services, giving parents and doctors true choice when breastfeeding is impossible or taking time to establish.
Help us to convince policymakers to invest in services that will support new mothers.
Together we can drive a change that will impact health and wellbeing for generations.
Thank you all, from all the team at the Human Milk Foundation.
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